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H.264 camera compatible with PS3 and iPhone/iPad

Dave Chapman

New Member

I'm looking for an indoor IP camera (wired) to surveil the main open-plan area in my home. This is for two purposes - security when the house is empty, and to allow the grandparents to view our twin babies at play.

The clients will be a wide mixture (Windows/Mac/Linux PCs and laptops and a Sony PS3 and iPhone and iPad). Out of those, the most important for compatibility is a Sony PS3.

The most compatible format would (I think) be H.264 video with AAC audio within an MP4 container, streamed via http. I have my PS3 already talking to a media server, and that media server allows you to point the PS3 to "external URLs" - so as long as the stream is available from the camera, I can take care of pointing the PS3 to it (over a VPN) and getting it to play.

I would also prefer something that can be configured via a standard web browser (e.g. Firefox on Linux), as I don't use Windows. Although as long as that's just a one-time deal, I could live with a Windows-only configuration.

Currently my upload bandwidth is about 1.4Mbit/s, but I'll probably upgrade this to BT infinity when it's available in my area later this year. So I'm interested in something that can provide reasonable quality at around 1Mbit/s but can also provide better quality if the bandwidth becomes available.

Any advice gratefully received.