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Firmware Firmware update for 2CD2042WD-1 camera ever happen?

Jan J

Trusted Member
Hello from across the pond in Smokey Mountains! My 13 2CD2042WD1 cameras still running fine! No DVR, just cameras.

There was a September 2021 report of a Firmware issue, and I was told by Support that new firmware would be available for this older camera after current cameras were fully updated. I haven’t seen it since, and last time I visited here was told that this camera was an odd offshoot of different version model.

So, as a stopgap I blocked the cameras from phoning home in router via a “Traffic Control” program in Router, and also in the firewall with a deny rule, and I’ve seen no firewall “Hits” on this rule, so I’m comfortable staying where I am in firmware……. But I thought I’d drop by and ask if anyone has seen this camera’s USA firmware Update??
I can’t find it.

Thanks and I’m still very happy with the cameras!
Thanks Phil... We talked about this in the past.... 2CD2042WD-1 Camera..
Except one, that came with V5.5.58 Build 190909 That also is dated before the September 2021 Firmware alert.....
12 others, and The latest down-load-able version I have found... Which also predates the September 2021 Firmware alert....
Is V5.5.53 Build 180730

Thanks for any assistance
Hi @Jan J

We are not aware of any updates for your US camera models.

I think we did explain previously that the security vulnerability discovered in 2021 did not impact all camera models and some much older models (like your own) did not support the feature/exact version of the feature where the vulnerability was found and thus did not need a patch firmware.

If you are still not comfortable then you will need to try and speak to Hikvision USA to get a more official answer, if they won't respond to you your only other option to completely resolve this issue would be to replace all the cameras with newer models that support current firmware.
Thanks. What you just posted: Some older cameras not involved with that 2021 report, is new info to me.
I’m OK with that, as traps set in firewall have never tripped even once. That settles that!
Thanks again.