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find out what the rtsp link might be?


New Member
Hey everybody. I have 7 vstarcam cameras from which I want to pull a simple jpg from each. I am doing this with ffmpeg running on a raspberry pi. It works perfectly for all the camers BUT one. No matter what I try I get connection refused. The weird part is that this camera (and the other 6 for that matter) work perfectly on a HIKVISION NVR. The URL I use to connect to the cameras is this:

ffmpeg -i rtsp://[USER]:[PASSWORD]@IP:554/tcp/av0_0

No matter what URL combination I try it doesn't work for that particular camera - I get connection refused. I initially thought that maybe it has a different password BUT I deleted it and re-added it on the NVR and it works perfectly. So my question is: anybody knows how the ONVIF URL would look like from the NVR's perspective?

Thank you.