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File name convention.


Active Member
Hi all just pulled a stack of files off my NVR using the download on the playback screen.

Now I have 52 files that need to be merged together to build the footage from the 8 cameras.

Any pointers on where to start & how the file names relate would be great.
I have installed VsPlayer & presume that's where I start.


Hi Phil,

unfortunately, we don't know of anyway (using Hikvision software) that you can combine or merge multiple download files, your only option would be to open them in a video editing software and combine them that way.

I noticed in your screenshot that your file durations and file sizes are set very small (your 3rd file is only 15MB and only 20 seconds long) and the files also seem to vary in size and length quite a lot, we haven't seen this before, but our advice would be to go to the menu shown in this screenshot and manually change the packet size to something like 20-30 minutes and that will increase the size of all future recording when you come to download them (meaning you only have to download 1 or 2 files rather than 50).

Unfortunately, you can't change the size of files already recorded (they are locked to the packet size they were recorded at) so you will have to download all those small files and edit them into one longer video

Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 11.29.54.png

here is an example of what your download window should look like with larger file sizes and longer durations (this shows 12 hours of footage in 14 files with a duration of about 50 minutes each)
Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 11.46.00.png
The files from that camera go up numerically. I can’t speak for your other cameras.

I’d look at concatenating them using FFMPEG.
Thanks Phil.

I assumed the reason the files vary in size is due to motion detection.
The file that's only 15MB, 20 seconds, I presume is a moth.

These are the files I have from last week, when we had real intruders visit & I think each one was created as their a Motion or Smart event was triggered.

As far as joining the files is concerned, Hikvision provides the required tools within the VsPlayer download.
As I learnt, it's important to download from each camera, via the NVR, but as you down load each one, you need to move those files off into a separate folder per camera, as if you let them all dump in the default download folder, you then need to sort them manually.

When VsPlayer is loaded, you then go to the Toolbox to merge them.



I do see the 1015MB files as per your example for my Camera3 on the day concerned, but then it did also record continuously during that period due to my friendly spider moving in.

The VsPlayer can be found here as well as on the playback page & it's manual is in it's folder under Program Files (x86).

I attached the manual below, but certainly remove it if it's not appropriate.
Merging files is detailed on page 17.



Edit, I did check the Advanced Storage options screen as per above; overwrite is enabled, but no time is set.


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Hi Phil,

I'm glad you figured out how to do this and thank you for writing such an extensive response (it will be very helpful to other customers I'm sure), sorry for not being of more help with my initial response, I work mainly on a Mac and didn't think to check if there were any differences between the VSPlayer on mac and PC, but it turns out they are very different as the Mac version does not include that "merge" tool you mentioned in your post (which is why I didn't think it was possible to do what you wanted).

Again thank you for your clear and concise response, you've not only solved the problem but you've taught us something new
thank you for writing such an extensive response (it will be very helpful to other customers I'm sure),

Thanks Dan,

This forum provides such an excellent resource to all that uses it.

Being in Aus & not supporting your business, it's a privledge to have access.
More than happy to offer something in return.

