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Entry barrier control by ANPR

Tony L

New Member
Hi All

I have an entry barrier into a car park that I would like to allow regular staff vehicles access using ANPR to automatically raise the barrier, I understand all the principles and theory behind it but I'm having issues in actually setting it up, are there any good tutorials that someone can recommend to me ?

The plan is to use the camera to trigger an output on my NVR which will in turn close the contact on my barrier system and open the barrier, that part I can do but it's the initial setting up of the white list and using that information to activate my NVR output that I'm struggling with.

Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated

NVR is a - DS-7608NI-I2 / 8P
Camera is a - DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZHS

Many thanks, Tony
Hi @Tony L

The whitelist should be created in excel and then imported onto the NVR's web browser interface in Configuration > Vehicle Detection > Vehicle Detection Configuration.

The 'Setting up a Hikvision ANPR camera via an NVR' section of this guide briefly runs through what you need to do:

I have also attached Hikvision's PDF guide for setting ANPR up via an NVR.

This video should be useful too, as it walks you through everything in detail (23:10 covers whitelists and blacklists on an NVR):

