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dreaded condensation


Active Member
My bullet camera 2CD2032, has chronic moisture on the inside of the lens. Worked fine in previous house with no condensation, was taken down in May this year, wrapped in bubblepack and taped in a cardboard box and stored in my garage until I re-installed it recently. It was previously installed within the eaves of my house and never exposed to wind or rain so I'm stumped. I've left it on thinking it's own electronics might be warm enough to dry the condensation inside but it's still bad.
Do you have any idea how I might dry this out ?
We seldom see this. As you say, the warmth from the electronics is normally enough to dry out any moisture or condensation - which typically appears when the cameras are first installed outdoors in the cold.
As that's not working in this case (assuming you've given it 24hrs or more already), you'll need to take measures to dry it out.
I'd recommend that you take the camera down.
Bring it indoors.
Open its body section, so that the moisture can escape.
Place it somewhere warm and dry for a couple of days e.g. airing cupboard.
Then re-seal it and re-install it.
Hopefully it will then be OK.

You should find a small plastic pouch of silica beads inside the camera, these are supposed to attract and contain any moisture within.
many thanks for the quick reply, I got similar advice from Exact cctv within minutes of emailing them, that can't be bad. Got it down and opened up and it's snuggled up in my airing cupboard. I used to have Avtech cameras and they had a recurring similar problem. Avtech told me their silica beads were of poor quality ??? So fingers crossed, it's that time of year when you need your cameras too.
Hopefully all will be well - let us know how you get on.