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Desperate to get very important CCTV data


Trusted Member
I’m in need to get hold of some vital evidence but can’t get to it.

Firstly my notifications that came to my phone with the notification images have gone as they only stayed there a week. Is there anyway to see those or do they just disappear?

Secondly two of my cameras I really need footage from have had the entire video deleted so there is no feed for any date.
I can see feeds for other cameras but not these two which are vital.
Is there any way?

This is a very important matter right now and I really need to try and get the notifications or footage.

Thanks all.
@Sonic007, if the drive is still in use it maybe to late. Don’t use recovery software as the drive format maybe non-standard. Best to seek professIonal data recovery.
Thankyou for your reply.

The CCTV recorder was turned off and I know the footage was there.
It was handed in as evidence but when I got it back the two cameras I needed the most have had their entire footage deleted.

So there isn’t any day to see for those cameras but for other cameras there is the footage.

Im absolutely gutted as only thing I have are a few notification screen grabs from the motion detection that were still on my phone in Hik connect and I really needed to see the moving video.
Thankyou for your reply.

The CCTV recorder was turned off and I know the footage was there.
It was handed in as evidence but when I got it back the two cameras I needed the most have had their entire footage deleted.

So there isn’t any day to see for those cameras but for other cameras there is the footage.

Im absolutely gutted as only thing I have are a few notification screen grabs from the motion detection that were still on my phone in Hik connect and I really needed to see the moving video.
Strange that the original data was deleted, if it was securely erased chances of recovery are slim. Speak to a data recovery company, at a minimum they should be able to assess your drive to see if the data is still there.

To give a bit more detail….the police took it to look at some cameras. I’m guessing they looked at some footage but then once I got the NVR back two of the most important cameras had zero footage for any days.
I know there was footage as I got notifications on those days.
It’s as if they’ve destroyed evidence.
Very frustrating!
Have the Police said anything?
Did they see what they needed / take copies?
Very frustrating!
Have the Police said anything?
Did they see what they needed / take copies?
They are done with it and couldn’t be bothered with helping.
I needed it to help prove certain things took place and when.
I got handed back my NVR and it should not have had anything deleted.
Really frustrated!
I don't think the footage for the two cameras would've been deleted. My guess is that when you've got the NVR back and plugged the cables back in, they didn't go back in the same ports as when you first connected them causing the NVR to assign different IP addresses as it sees them as new cameras. So now when you select your camera for playback, there is no history prior to the date that you reconnected it. As you've found you won't be able to use the normal calendar view on playback. You'll need to browse the file list for what you're looking for.
I don't think the footage for the two cameras would've been deleted. My guess is that when you've got the NVR back and plugged the cables back in, they didn't go back in the same ports as when you first connected them causing the NVR to assign different IP addresses as it sees them as new cameras. So now when you select your camera for playback, there is no history prior to the date that you reconnected it. As you've found you won't be able to use the normal calendar view on playback. You'll need to browse the file list for what you're looking for.

Thankyou for your reply.
The NVR hasn’t been connected back to the cameras as yet as I don’t want it to overwrite anything.

How do I browse the file list?

Thankyou for your reply.
The NVR hasn’t been connected back to the cameras as yet as I don’t want it to overwrite anything.

How do I browse the file list?

It may be different depending on model, but on the local monitor (not using browser) click on:

  • File Management (the folder icon)
  • Select Video
  • Change time to 'Custom' and set the start and end date for your search
  • Leave camera set to 'All'
  • 'start search'

A list of all of the video files will appear in the list. It will show camera 1 to start. Clicking channel at the top will allow you to select another channel. If you find what you're looking for, you can lock individual recording files by clicking the padlock icon, so that they cannot be overwritten until unlocked.