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Deleting IP Camera (Web Interface)


New Member
Hi guys,

I just purchased a DS-7608NI-K2 (updated to V3.4.109 Build 200320), I purchased a house but the previous owner took the NVR with him leaving the cameras, There are 6 cameras, a door station and a doorbell (doorstation and doorbell are some Aussie brand - Ness that have some sort of relationship with hikvision but also dont go because the egateway that controls them was taken as well).

I plugged all of the cables into the NVR upon setting it up and it appears the first two cables were the doorbell and doorstation - they come us as offline IP cameras). I've since unplugged them from the NVR as they dont exist and are not powered up but when I go to remove them from the web interface the Delete option is grayed out.

I also cant delete them from the HDMI interface as the mouse just doesnt seem to work, it lights up but there is no cursor and i just get the 6 cameras around the edge of the screen and a big NoLink from what I assume is one of the offline "cameras"

As I missing something? Does it have to be plugged into VGA to control the NVR via mouse/external monitor? Why cant I remove a camera from the internal NIC of the NVR?

Any help is appreciated!
Hi @Neckron666

You can't delete cameras in the way you would expect from the browser interface, when you go to camera management the list displayed there is actually all the available channels and not the cameras connected, you can't delete channel which is why it won't let you delete them. If you want to set a channel to default the best way to do this is to select the problem channel, click modify, and then switch the adding method from plug & play to manual and click OK. Then if the new camera you plan to add to that channel is going to be plug & play you can go back into modify, switch it back to P&P, and then when you click ok the channel will just display a default unused subnet address (e.g. / / etc...)

The mouse issue is not something we have seen before, I would try and use a different USB mouse to identify if it is an issue with the mouse or the NVR, if you still have issues even when using another USB mouse then the only other thing I can recommend would be to disconnect the mouse, shut the NVR down, plug the mouse back in while it is powered off and then turn it back on with the mouse connected. (sometimes the mouse being plugged in or unplugged during the boot up or after can cause issues with the NVR not recognising the mouse)