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Connecting to a wireless IP camera at a remote site?


New Member
I have a ISP outdoor camera, which is fine but not used now we have moved. My son has a remote building (4mls away) for which I would like to give him some more security.
Is it possible to use this wireless cam without internet connection, and at a relatively cheap cost for viewing remotely on an I phone. I have the cam spec sheet which gives various items (ISP etc) but we are at a loss on how to achieve anything.
Someone said that we need DNS, whatever that is, does that mean that it would be possible?
I would be really grateful for any advice, you will no doubt appreciate I am very "Low Tech".
Perplexed Pensioner
Hi @Barry

If there is no network on site (e.g. no router at all) then it will not be possible to use a WiFi IP camera.

The only way to use a network IP camera without a network/internet connection would be to hard-wire an IP camera to the PoE ports on an NVR and then operate it locally as a "closed loop" system using a direct HDMI/VGA monitor connected to the NVR, but doing it this way there will be no way for remote access.

Mobile app access can only be configured with some kind of network, if the site is very remote your only option will probably be a 4G router. But a 4G router and 4G SIM card to go into that router will likely cost more than the camera cost you.
Thanks Dan for your response.
Was the earlier "DNS" response I received incorrect then? (I still don't understand this)
I should mention when I had the camera installed at my previous home, it not only worked brilliantly, but I could access it on my I-phone.
I once got an alert whilst on a long weekend away (80 ml) and I have checked alerts at my son's building, the one in question, using the app on my phone. One included a lorry destroying my garden wall!
It would seem a great pity not to be able to use this camera, as it previously answered all questions.
DNS is only something that can be configured if you have a local network/internet connection, without an internet connection at the camera's new location there is no simple/cheap way to configure a WiFi/network camera and be able to access it remotely.
Thanks again Dan.
Sorry to appear so 'thick', I got my first computer in 1974, was at one stage programming in self-taught machine code, but the years have taken their toll.
So back to the drawing board with security.
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