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Hik-Connect Checking a user's Hik Connect activity e.g. log-ons?


New Member
Hi all

I was looking and could not find anywhere a thread about Hik Connect log history.

I'm sharing my cameras from my NVR with another user through the Hik Connect app.

Is it possible to check his activity, log on to his app, and network statistics on my NVR/IP Cameras either on Hic Connect or iVMS 4200?

iVMS 4200 on device options has the option of log query. But is timeout for me.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Hi @neotar

I believe you can access the NVR & Camera logs when logged in with a browser (you should be able to do something similar in iVMS-4200) and that should show you a list of all the user interactions with the devices, but I don't know if this will show you any detail of which particular user has logged in.

When sharing a device with another user in Hik-Connect you can limit the features/settings they have access to.