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Changing the system password - will it propagate from my NVR to my cameras?


First post, hope it's okay to post a query like this.

I've got my (IP) system up and running (mostly on the floor but some connected over my network).
Can I now change the main system (admin) password (for something stronger) and let it propagate through to each connected camera ?
- or now I have it setup, must I change the system password and each camera on it's own ?


<edit> I ought to have said the system is an iDS-7716NXI-I4 (in case it matters).
Hi @TomThumb

The camera passwords are not controlled by the NVR, you will need to go into the User settings on the cameras & NVR separately and set new admin passwords.
Hi @TomThumb

The camera passwords are not controlled by the NVR, you will need to go into the User settings on the cameras & NVR separately and set new admin passwords.
Upvote 1
My installer told me that when I changed the admin password that the cameras used the same password :(. So this is totally NOT true :(
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Ah, this is what I was thinking of.
I do suppose it matters on individual settings but can anyone else shed further light - if I change (strengthen) the admin password will it propgate through ?
Has anyone done it this way or am about to be the first (I can't see that!)
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It looks like you can change the NVR's admin password and tell it to apply the same password to all of the Plug & Play cameras.

If you go to (on the V5 web GUI) System Configuration > User Management > Select "admin" > Edit (the pen button) ...

You can use the flyout to set the password, and also tick the box circled below to carry that password over to the cameras.
You'll need to make sure the box above is ticked, or it will stay greyed out:

V5 web GUI admin password change for connected cameras.png
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Thanks. Mine is still at v4.50 but is similar - checked the relavent bits, one password change and it seems* to have gone through to the camera okay.

* checked most of cameras now working with the new password but I did see a brief error message (re GUI) when completing the task (unable to read it) and one camera seems odd (not talking directly to me) - but I'll work on that to see what might be wrong.
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