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Can't see stream within Event setup



I'm running a couple of 2CD2345FWD and I've just updated to the latest firmware - V5.6.5 build 200316, hoping it may fix my issue.

When I originally set up the devices, I was able to see the streamed picture to allow setting up functions like crossed line etc.
I want to adjust the settings as some events are being missed.

I've tried a few browsers (Chrome & Firefox) but I am unable to see the stream when viewing Events. Even in the live view, I need to switch between streams a few times or select MJPEG before it starts.

My setup has Shinobi running on a raspberry PI that is taking the streams to record them. That is the only thing that has changed since I first configured them.
Hi @A8ree,

What does the setup look like, are the cameras connected to your network?

Have you installed the plugin in the top-right hand corner in the browser menu? It's worth checking if you see the same issue in Internet Explorer.

Power-cycling or hard resetting the cameras might help. I don't have any experience using Shinobi to record to, so can't help much with that. Maybe installing onboard Micro SD storage in the cameras to test if the problem remains? Then you can identify if the problem source is at the front or back end of the system.
The cameras are connected to the network. They also have an SD card installed.

The plugin only seems to be for windows (.exe) whereas I run OSX - and managed to set it up using it before.

I've already tried power-cycling and it was only a month or so since I hard reset one of them - as I mucked up the network settings!

I'm out of ideas
Thanks for your help Kyle - I didn't have any success with the Safari plugin but I used a virtual windows machine and managed to access it.
No problem, you need to make sure all browsers are closed before installing the plugin too - it does make a difference.

Glad you've managed to get it working now though :)