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iVMS-4200 Can I get iVMS-4200 to resume at a restart with the previous layout / cameras showing?


I woke this morning to find that the dreaded IE11 removal had happened to my PC. I have found that not all of my devices will work with the IE compatiblility mode on Edge, so I installed iVMS 4200, after I had tried the Hilookvision client, which crashed every time I ran it. I finally got iVMS 4200 to detect that my NVR was online and all my other cameras are connected too. What I would like to know is how to save the main view so that when I start the client all the cams open in live view, the same way they were when I closed it? I cannot see a way to do it, I have to start live view on all of my cams individually or am I being thick? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.
On my version of iVMS-4200 ( if you save your live view using the disk icon near the bottom-left. Then on the bottom-right click the cog/settings icon and there should be an option there "Resume Latest Live View after Restart".

For me iVMS mostly resumes to the last live view, but being dodgy HikVision software occasionaly it does not!
Thanks for the help, I have managed to work it out, I just created a custom layout and it starts on that every time.