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Can camera record video on motion detect?

Jan J

Trusted Member
I’ve been hesitating posting a request for help in doing something. Up till now I’ve gotten everything except remote access (And That is out of my hands) going from the user guide, or browsing the web. (I’m a self taught person when it comes to network settings).
I have one camera and a fairly decent Synology NAS on GB Ethernet. I’ve got Motion Detect sending pics to NAS successfully.

With that said, I can find nothing in manual or online that would seem to indicate that
I can link motion detect to video capturing.... only picture capturing... Is this possible with my camera, or do I need a different one to do this???
Almost latest firmware V5.5.53
Camera DS-2CD2042WD-1

If it is possible and a link to instructions exists, would you be so kind as to post a link???

If I need a different camera to do this (seeing that I’m looking to upgrade 3 others anyhow..)... would you suggest which POE camera I should be looking at???
Thank You
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Hi Jan, the more recent Hikvision cameras allow you to record video on motion detect to the onboard microsd card, if you install one. I'm pretty sure the DS-2CD2042WD-1 does not have a microsd slot. If it does it would be on the underside close to the sticker with the serial info.

You'd then configure the camera to save the clip to the sd card.

You could try link your Synology NAS to the camera and save the motion capture videos there (I have never tried this). The instructions on connecting a NAS to the camera are on page 126 of your camera manual.
Doesn't your Synology NAS come with Surveillance Station installed? That should allow you to connect to the camera. My knowledge of Synology is dangerous at best so you'd be educating me.
I don’t think I have an DS card slot. It’s mounted outside on a post. Is that card if there, accessible via the config pages???

Also, Stewart. I’m not familiar with that application on Sysnology NAS, but you can bet I’m going to look for it??

I’d my camera doesn’t have this (video capture) Which one would?? (I’ll worry about who is legal to sell it after reviewing it.
Cameras like the DS-2CD2055FWD-I and DS-2CD2025FWD-I (EasyIP 3 range Hikvision calls them) have the sdcard slot.
Doesn't your Synology NAS come with Surveillance Station installed? That should allow you to connect to the camera. My knowledge of Synology is dangerous at best so you'd be educating me.

I’m downloading it now! Now I need to find the manual
I’ve got Surveillance Station working via local LAN. Question is — how to access it remotely???

I’ve got DSfiles on iPhone and that works remotely to access NAS via their QuickConnect, but how about Remote from Surveillance Station?
Got it working.
After you have QuickConnect working on DSfile program. Then if you install and config surveillance Station such that you can access the camera on local lan (enable user to have access to program and surveillance folder on NAS.

THEN install DScam on iPhone. It will automatically get QuickConnect data from DSfiles App.

It works!!!

Only 2 gotchas so far......
1. Highest Resolution is 720p. I’ve got camera set for 1080p. (Since Fixed)
2. I’m in perpetual video record!!! Eventually stopped it. Maybe iPhone thing. Pictures work fine. Video record start/stop is vague.

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Update. Using iPhone APP DScam, I still seem to be in perpetual video record on the app to the Surveillance/pond camera directory on NAS.
Haven’t complained to Synology yet, as I can’t seem to find the record stop/start button.
I got stream 1 to 1080p. It’s a setting in ipcam config within Surveillance Station.

Still in perpetual record. Found notes on DScam and it illudes to a square looking icon to start record. But I don’t see that on iPhone screen in app, and camera thumbnail has record light superimposed on it, as does full screen with menu overlay.
Have support email into Synology
Think I got it. Surveillance Station Setting again!! Darn system defaults to continuous recording 24/7/365 in the schedule area. I set it motion detect 0-7am 7-12pm to match camera settings, not realizing that what I left blank was not blank, but 'continuous recording', and of course I’m playing with it between 7a-7p, so it records every time I open app, and also when I close app!
So I changed the 7a-7p timeframe with a custom setting of "DO NOTHING"... and I think that stuck!!!

I think I also got video to record off mot detect, as I got a recording of a big spider going in front of lens, complete with 5sec pre and post recording after 8p
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No question about it... It's fixed.... And I have A wonderful Unexpected addition.....
I Now have Video Motion Detect Capture as well!!! (From a camera that doesn't support video motion detect natively!)

I captured this based on motion last night..... (Sorry, I don't see a video file attach, so I Zipped it)


Want to thank everybody for the assistance here.... Here is a Motion Detect Video using Sysnology NAS Surveillance System from my "Picture Only" HiKvision Camera....

This is what I was hoping to achieve, and I find I'm 200% successful!! (Pictures AND 30fps HD Video!)

Envision a 7 MB h264 30fps video file of two bears walking around in the field of vision at night.... Zip won't attach...

Thanks again!!