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Cameras/NVR saying running H265+ plus they aren't.


Active Member
Has anyone seen this?
When connecting to the NVR via its local HDMI screen and put the mouse on the icon at the bottom that shows FPS, encoding algorithm and (I assume) data rate, I've seen some strange readings.
On several cameras I noticed the data rate seemed very high (12mbps to 30mbps) when running H265+. Switching (via the NVR and local screen) to H264 didn't make any difference. I switched off the "+" and this ij some cases made a difference, and in others it didn't. I found the best route was to take off "+" and configure for H.264. Reset the camera. Change to H.264+ and then to H.265 (keeping the "+").
Most of my cameras were then running H.265+ and daytime data rates of 1-3mbps.
However, making changes via my browser to the cameras, in particular FPS, seemed to revert the data rates. [I'm not sure what exactly caused this].
The phenomenon was most apparent on my 2385s (5.5.61) and I didn't see it either on my 2M DarkFighter or older 2mpix cameras.
NVR 7732NI-I (4.1.67).
As a supplementary, these cameras seem to run very high data rates at night (say 2mps during the day but 10 at night) running 8fps and the highest quality settings; is that just noise that's causing more data in the image? I can't get them running any faster without frame/data loss.
Even at high settings you should not see rates above 16Mbps. 30Mbps is puzzling. See attached image. Are all three streams active?
Hi, Stewart. I am running a substream at 2fps and Higher quality with max data rate 256k (for remote 3G access) but I don’t think that should have much effect. I’ve seen the calculators but I can’t seem to get close, at least not consistently. When I monitor the data rate on the bottom of the HDMI screen in real-time, it varies a lot. At night in particular the peak rates are often over the cameras max ability of 16m, so I get frame loss, sometimes for seconds. Not just one camera. I’ve considered a network problem but have disconnected all cameras/switches and added them one at a time, but can’t find anything. It’s a real pain as I’ve enough disk space to run higher data rates and quality, but I just cannot get the cameras to run it. Any ideas? Cheers, Paul
I should have mentioned that until use-ip were good enough to swap my NVR (for the same model) I had even worse problems. The picture looked ok, again at lower data rates, but any significant movement caused freezing, ghosting and huge green-outs. So I’m in a much better position now as I don’t get that any more, just frame loss at rates (typically) over 10fps. I am running a 2mpix DarkFighter at 20fps H264+ without issue but of course it’s data rate is much lower than the 8m turrets. With regards to my network, I can stream films etc without issue and when I run speed checkers it confirms my network speeds at 70M down 6M up and this all runs across the same home ip network. If it was taking significant errors I’d expect to see that reflected in the tested data rate (wouldn’t I?)
I do have the cameras’ Max Data Rates set to their maximum of 16m, but I think with H265+ it ignores that.
Hi PaulS,

just try to reconfig settings of your camera (just try to only one camera and have a observation process to that camera only).

Try to stay in Codec H.265, Video Quality: Medium, FrameRate: 15 fps, Constant Bitrate..

if you want an Variable Bitrate. just set MAX to "4096 kbps".
Hi Paul, tell me about how your network is setup. Are all the cameras connected to the PoE ports on your NVR? Any connecting via radio signal from a remote location? I had some issues with the 5.5.61 firmware, would you consider rolling back to an earlier firmware?