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A suggestion for pre-modded NVR's - use-IP ?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps some of you may remember many years ago, there were a few tech items you could buy, DVD players and Games Consoles that you could pay a little more from, from a particular supplier, and the supplier would sell you a "Pre-Modded" box.
Various reasons, but they were sold this way as the shop could gain extra business and non technical customers could get a device, still with a guarantee which had various small changes done to make it better/more able.

Given how NOISY HikVision NVR's are for a quiet home environment, and given a few threads and google topics on some mods, from simply replacing fans with more quiet models, or even cutting the case to fit a much LARGER silent running PC fan.

Has Use-IP ever considered there being a market for pre-modded NVR's ?

If a customer had the choice of a stock standard NVR for say £200 or a modded by the store, but still fully warranted silent running (other than the ticking of a hard drive) model for say £230 or 240 ish (wild guess) would that not be a potential plus for the company to offer such an option?

Just putting it out there as an idea :)
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It's not something we have considered.
Thanks for the suggestion.
We'll have a ponder ...
Putting in my suggestion for a Darth Vader limited edition I-series NVR. Death Star boot up screen, the works.
It's just a thought. When you hear multiple complaints about fan noise, and user conceived fix's by those brave enough to try.
Perhaps there would be a small market opportunity to be had :)

I'm used to cutting holes in PC cases and fitting different fans as I'm sure many who have built PC's over the years have messed with.
As a side note it is a shame IMHO given the excellent quality of HikVision equipment that, just a little more thought in the design of large heatsinks, and changes to fan size was not done to produce what I'm sure could be an almost silent product from the factory.

If Reolink can make a 6 channel 4K NVR which does not even have a case fan, I'm sure HikVision could.