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cctv doesn't work

  1. D

    Yale CCTV - power supply issue?

    Hi guys, I’ve been having some issues with a Yale y804a-hd1080 CCTV system. It’s been working fine for the last few years, a few months ago I started noticing thin horizontal lines (more prominent at night) on the camera feed, the HDD then stopped recording ahead of the camera feeds dropping...
  2. N

    QVIS Eagle CCTV cameras

    Good evening, This is my first post and I'm just looking for a little bit of help. I installed x4 QVIS eagle camera's and three are working perfectly. The fourth one's issue is that it is locked by an old password on the device and cannot get into it to reset it. Does anybody know anything...
  3. A

    CCTV System driving me crazy on the verge of throwing it out of the window! Seriously.

    I've had a new CCTV system for several months in order to replace an older system. I've tried to contact manufactures but no response! I have a XVR AHD camera system 720p/1080/5mp/8mp which will not show cameras on the screen. It just shows XVR split 'screen'. I've tried changing monitors. I've...