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What password for remote access?


Hi guys...I tell you Im am happy I found this forum !...Ive read a lot of threads but not quite got an answer, which is basically what user name and password do I use to access my NVR from my web browser...I can see everything on my mobile Apps, I have access via the NVR directly/

Ive clearly set up 2 types off user and password when I set the system up as Ive noted them down, When I navigate to Hik connect from a browser I can use one of those combinations to get access to Hik Connect and I can see my NVR listed, however when I click on it, it asks for another user and password, and whatever I try in there for the life of me doesnt work...should I be setting ups yet another user name and password ?
You should be navigating to your NVR's IP address, not Hikconnect.
Hi. yes I see that and Ive gone that address which tales me to a Hik Vision Log in page..but whatever details I try there it says they are incorrect, do I need to set up Port forwarding?
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The username should be "admin" and the password would be the exact same one you use when logging into your NVR directly through the monitor.
Oops ...its all gone pear shaped ...I couldn't see any camera live views so I started trying things...Ive checked Stream Encryption box and now it says insecure and won't let me Log back in !...can I reverse this direct in the NVR
Spark - not sure what your current problem is. But once you log in and see the boxes that should be displaying the video feeds, hit the "play" button at the bottom center. The older firmware versions would just start the video feeds automatically. Now you have to hit "play" in order for them to start.

Stop mashing buttons!

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Ok...I had to upgrade the firmware to all my cameras ...done...I can also get onto the NVR from my browser but I still dont see any live views or recordings.

I would also like to have the camera Led light come on when. motion is detected, which Ive sort of tried but not sure its correct...any clues please?
Use Edge with the Internet Explorer extension. Make sure you "engage" viewing the sign in page with the I.E. extension, then sign in. Then hit the play button as shown above.

Not sure what cams you have (maybe ColorVu?), but I don't think you're going to get the LED's to work with motion detection. They're only for providing supplemental light for low light cameras.
Use Edge with the Internet Explorer extension. Make sure you "engage" viewing the sign in page with the I.E. extension, then sign in. Then hit the play button as shown above.

Not sure what cams you have (maybe ColorVu?), but I don't think you're going to get the LED's to work with motion detection. They're only for providing supplemental light for low light cameras.
Ok thanks..I can get the Led to come on with motion but its a little iffy is Ill leave it on all night.