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POE to multi USB


New Member
Hello There all,

I'm a newbie here and in the POE world as well, so sorry for my ignorance... :)

I would like to drive Power and Ethernet connection to a long distance (~70m) tablet. I will not have power on the tablet location so will need the POE to reach there.
In addition, I'll need USB to NFC (card reader) to be connected to the tablet. I did not buy yet the tablet but will need one which supports data via USB(C) input. I prefer an android tablet since the SW already written on android so PC tablet is less preferable...

Few options which I thought about:
1. Tablet which has multiple USB ports (2) and supports data via it's USB ports - that would be the perfect solution since I can connect POE to USB dongle and drive power/data to the tablet and connect the other USB to the NFC reader
2. Tablet which has an external power input and a USB input - data can arrive via POE To USB dongle and with a USB HUB I can split the signal to the NFC and the tablet, while power the tablet via the external power input.
3. Tablet with one USB(C) which supports data/power. In that case, I will need to have a POE to USB HUB which supports power/data and USB protocol on the same HUB. Currently, the only POE to USB HUBs I saw do NOT support both power and data over the USB. Meaning, when connecting the USB cable to the tablet -> it does not power/charge the tablet....

the advice I'm seeking:
1. is there a tablet supporting two USB ports? (case #1 above)
2. is there a tablet supporting one USB port and has an external power input? (case #2 above)
3. is there a POE to USB HUB which supports power/data/USB protocols in the same time?

Thanks all for your assistance,
Hi @gelibin

Tablets are not really our area of expertise, but the first thing we need to point out to you is that PoE only works with devices that support PoE and as far as we are aware most tablets do not support power via PoE.

We are not aware of any PoE to USB converters, to get power to a non-PoE tablet using PoE you would need to install a PoE splitter at the end of the PoE connection which separates the PoE connection back into separate data & power connections and then you can connect the tablet to the power output of the splitter but without any network/data connection.