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NVR Located in Workshop


Well-Known Member
Good morning Dan. I'm back after a long break. I'd appreciate you looking over the attached. I have one of your DS 7616NI-I2 NVRs and would like to locate it in my workshop. I'd most appreciate heads-up and any useful observations.

Regards Michael
Hi @mkerton

I've moved your post as it didn't seem to relate to the thread you originally posted it in, you mention something being attached but there were no related attachments to your post or the thread you originally posted in.

I'm not sure what you are asking, do you just want to know if we think there is an issue with installing an NVR in a workshop? If that is the case then the answer is simply yes it should be fine to install in a workshop and the only thing we would recommend is if the workshop produces a lot of dust & airborne particulate it would be a good idea to install the NVR in a closed cupboard or back room to reduce the amount of dust that might clog up the NVR fans.
If it's going in your workshop that's got nobody in it overnight - make sure the NVR is well hidden/secured.
Hi @mkerton

I've moved your post as it didn't seem to relate to the thread you originally posted it in, you mention something being attached but there were no related attachments to your post or the thread you originally posted in.

I'm not sure what you are asking, do you just want to know if we think there is an issue with installing an NVR in a workshop? If that is the case then the answer is simply yes it should be fine to install in a workshop and the only thing we would recommend is if the workshop produces a lot of dust & airborne particulate it would be a good idea to install the NVR in a closed cupboard or back room to reduce the amount of dust that might clog up the NVR fans.
Dan, Sorry, I did attach an image honest! Yep, I hace a 6U cab. Going to install UPS and a patch panel, eventually. I'd appreciate you giving the image a once over. It's a JPG. I hope that's ok. Michael


Hi @mkerton

We had an issue with attachments the other day, I can now see your sketch.

Everything in your layout looks fine. None of your cable runs are longer than 100m, there is no problem with having some cameras directly connected to the NVR and others on a network PoE switch, and if the NVR is going in a network cabinet then it should be protected from any dirt/dust that might be thrown up in the workshop.