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NVR DS-7608NXI-K2 - hardware B-R-K20A9_K20A9-00 - firmware V4.73.006 build 221108


Gives a lot of help
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  • VCA Target Highlight does not exist on playback or live view
  • Minimum (5 seconds) or maximum possible pre-record (30 seconds) on camera do not work. Auto Event playback starts 5 to 10 seconds after the target is gone on any resolution or bit rate for DS-2CD2047G2-L ColorVu. No option to manually move playback cursor during this above Auto event playback problem. At least there should be an option since the pre-record problem is well known to Hikvision.
  • Smart Event-> Intrusion Event area previously set on 2CD2047G2-L ColorVu, is missing in settings of same camera through DS-7608NXI-K2 although VCA mode is set By Camera
  • Altering and saving event settings through DS-7608NXI-K2 NVR sometimes resets all area settings to default for all cameras by disappearing or filling alarm areas
  • There is no option for Events to send an Audio Alarm sound through HDMI on a speaker monitor or TV. There is only a Buzzer Alarm and a Notify Surveillance Center Alarm
  • Event alarm causes a loss for about 5 recorded seconds(skipping frames) on older DS-KV6113WPE1 and some times on 2CD2047G2-L ColorVu
  • Minimum (5 seconds) or maximum possible pre-record (30 seconds) on camera do not work. Auto Event playback starts 5 to 10 seconds after the target is gone on any resolution or bit rate for DS-2CD2047G2-L ColorVu. No option to manually move playback cursor during this above Auto event playback problem. At least there should be an option since the pre-record problem is well known to Hikvision.
Yes I've noticed this on my new M Series as well. Another bug. Previously even if you set pre record to 0 seconds, Smart Playback would start each clip 5 seconds before the event which worked well. Now, for configured events (on the M series at least) it starts on the event, rather than 5 seconds prior so it doesn't work very well. Strangely if I search by VCA in the same screen - drawing a line for instance - each clip starts 5 seconds before as it always used to.

  • Smart Event-> Intrusion Event area previously set on 2CD2047G2-L ColorVu, is missing in settings of same camera through DS-7608NXI-K2 although VCA mode is set By Camera
User error that one. You carry out the settings on the NVR and they are set on the camera. If you set them on the camera directly, the NVR is unaware of the change you made until possibly the next time you reboot the NVR (when it will read the settings from the camera)

Altering and saving event settings through DS-7608NXI-K2 NVR sometimes resets all area settings to default for all cameras by disappearing or filling alarm areas
As above, entering a camera setting in the NVR sets it on the camera. You can't alter a setting on the camera directly, then go back to the NVR settings and change something in the same section - it will overwrite what you previously set in the camera. That's expected.

  • There is no option for Events to send an Audio Alarm sound through HDMI on a speaker monitor or TV. There is only a Buzzer Alarm and a Notify Surveillance Center Alarm
That's correct. There's never been an option for an audio alarm on a locally connected monitor like that. You would have to use iVMS-4200 on a PC/Mac and hook that up to your TV/Monitor if you want that functionality.

  • Event alarm causes a loss for about 5 recorded seconds(skipping frames) on older DS-KV6113WPE1 and some times on 2CD2047G2-L ColorVu
Usually a configuration issue. Start by rebooting the NVR (explained below)

1 - Ensure that if you are recording on a 24/7 schedule that you switch OFF pre alarm (set to 0) in the NVR settings Storage > Schedule > Advanced. Do that for each camera.

2 - In the NVR Recording Parameters, ensure that the Frame Rate and Bit Rate for Main Stream (Normal) and Main Stream (Event) are identical. There's a good chance if you have been configuring via the camera menu directly, that what you see on the NVR menu page does not reflect what's actually programmed. The reboot you do BEFORE you do steps 1 & 2 will ensure that the NVR displays the actual camera settings.
Thank you for your replies and suggestions
Wish a Happy New Year for all.

-About first issue I found out that there is an option to configure playback strategy during Event playback, but you forget everything AUTO. If you disable "Do not play normal videos"you simply see the red events on control bar and set the cursor 10 seconds before event. The Pre-Record time explained on manual is just a lie, at least for Auto Event Playback. But it works OK if you go through Event Search which is of course, manually. I don't know if adding an sd card will give an extra 5 seconds to Pre-Record time..
-About issue No2 I mentioned that these missing areas consern ONLY the Intrusion Areas. Not the simple Motion Events or the rest of Smart Events like Line crossing Detection, Region entrance-exiting detection. Those last are visible. The problem is just Intrusion Area. So if you try to modify or add something there by NVR then you lose everything. Following your advise, I do settings only by cameras even for those old ones that are automatically set By NVR.
About last issue I will try suggestion and inform you.
Meanwhile we simply wait for firmware fixing the Pre-Record time issue on Event Playback
There is also another issue on Events Playback. The controls are very poor. There is no Reverse Play, no Fast or Slow Forward and no Frame Forward or Backward

Thank you for your support
Happy New Year
About first issue I found out that there is an option to configure playback strategy during Event playback, but you forget everything AUTO. If you disable "Do not play normal videos"you simply see the red events on control bar and set the cursor 10 seconds before event. The Pre-Record time explained on manual is just a lie, at least for Auto Event Playback. But it works OK if you go through Event Search which is of course, manually. I don't know if adding an sd card will give an extra 5 seconds to Pre-Record time
It works differently according to model and firmware:

On the I Series and M Series you cannot get markers on Normal playback timeline, you have to go to Smart Playback. Once Smart Playback is selected you will see markers for all configured events and can play them back 'skipping normal playback'. The 5 seconds leading up to the event is not played on the M series, though it was on the I series. Additionally on the I series, way back on version 4.40.016 you could seamlessly switch from Normal to Smart Playback and Smart Playback to Normal Playback without losing your position on the timeline. On ALL versions since and on the M series you can switch from Smart Playback to Normal without losing your position, but when going from Normal to Smart it resets and jumps backward to the first marker in that 24 hour period. It used to be easy to switch back and forth selecting Normal when you wanted to continue viewing and Smart to jump forward to the event, now it is hopeless. Hikvision refuse to acknowledge a change however I did a short video showing the change between firmwares.

The Pre Record is Pre Record - nothing to do with playback. What we want to see is a short lead in to the event trigger as has always been the case. As I said, I always set pre record to zero seconds, as it should be when recording 24/7 and still used to get 5 seconds lead in. To prove the point if you delete your 24/7 schedule and set it to event only recording it would show differently. In normal playback you would get the playback including the pre record time - as that is what it has recorded and normal playback shows all recording, while in event playback (currently) it would skip that pre record time and show from the event trigger.

So if you try to modify or add something there by NVR then you lose everything. Following your advise, I do settings only by cameras even for those old ones that are automatically set By NVR.
I think you may have misunderstood my comment. Do the settings by NVR only. Only alter settings directly on the camera that are not available for selection on the NVR and only AFTER first doing the rest on the NVR. Otherwise you will go in an endless loop of setting the camera and overwriting the settings with the NVR again. Once the camera is managed by the NVR, all camera settings applied on the NVR are set on the camera.
To prove the point if you delete your 24/7 schedule and set it to event only recording it would show differently. In normal playback you would get the playback including the pre record time - as that is what it has recorded and normal playback shows all recording, while in event playback (currently) it would skip that pre record time and show from the event trigger.
Yes it works exactly the same for me. I also get the pre-record and record time normally. I can also see the pre-record red color time starting after the event recorded time which is almost 5 secs of blue color time. This is unexplained and as I read on another post, Hikvision programmers cannot understand why this happens.

Do the settings by NVR only. Only alter settings directly on the camera that are not available for selection on the NVR and only AFTER first doing the rest on the NVR. Otherwise you will go in an endless loop of setting the camera and overwriting the settings with the NVR again. Once the camera is managed by the NVR, all camera settings applied on the NVR are set on the camera.
I cannot do the Intrusion Area by NVR for my 2CD2047G2 ColorVu because By NVR I can only create areas with four sides(convex quadrilateral), while by ColorVU I can create ten sided polygons(decagon). Then I cannot increase quadrilateral's sides through camera settings. If I try to create areas by NVR with four sides(convex quadrilateral) and then modify them and save them from camera settings, then I see two different areas. Different on NVR and different on Camera. As I told before this happens only on Intrusion Area. Does not happen on Line Crossing where every change goes from camera to NVR and from NVR to camera. This is surely a firmware bug
After one month of owning I share my experiense

Accusense K series DS-7608NXI-K2 is an NVR(K20A9) based on older DVR platform boards, possibly second generation acusense Turbo 5.0 (K20A8)
The support for this model is missing from Hikvision Europe servers and the only place you can find firmware is the Global Hikvision site.
The European and UK ftp servers do not include firmware for this K NXI series models(initial or new)
There is only an excel file for "NVR models of Different Platforms06242022" https://www.hikvisioneurope.com/eu/...VR Models of Different Platforms06242022.xlsx in which you can find a link of firmware for the specific models, but this is completely WRONG. It guides to firmwares K2 K4 K8 of other models(K51) and is different in size(38 Mb instead of 140Mb)

The problem with the Pre-record time cannot be fixed with any kind of trick, by changing bit rates or frame rates etc
It happens only in Continuous recording - Playback - Event playback.
It does not happen if during event playback you select "Space Rule" of Draw Motion Detection Rule or Draw Intrusion Detection Rule or Draw Line Crossing Detection Rule. But this a search on an already recorded video and NOT a video recorded on different buffer specifically for PRE and POST record option.
The above problem must be fixed

There is also another problem related to Acusense and concerns smart events on older non acusense cameras. There is no option for Max and Min target size and Sensitivity is not working properly whatever setting. Is always maximum. A non moving cloud or a non moving car is ALWAYS been processed and sends alarms

And the worst:
They(Hikvision technical support) do not reply in questions and requests. I believe they are one of the worst companies
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What do you suggest ? Have you returned this NVR ?
I’m planning to buy the same DS-7608NXI-K2 for my 4x DS-2CD2147g2 but after reading your comment I’m not sure it’s the right one,

Price here in France are crazy for this NVR range..
What do you suggest ? Have you returned this NVR ?
I’m planning to buy the same DS-7608NXI-K2 for my 4x DS-2CD2147g2 but after reading your comment I’m not sure it’s the right one,

Price here in France are crazy for this NVR range..
I wouldn't be overly concerned. Some of the issues mentioned will hopefully be fixed in future updates.
What do you suggest ? Have you returned this NVR ?
I’m planning to buy the same DS-7608NXI-K2 for my 4x DS-2CD2147g2 but after reading your comment I’m not sure it’s the right one,

Price here in France are crazy for this NVR range..

Hi Martel

I did not reply your question, waiting for new firmware.
New firmware is today March 11 : V4.74.000 build 230217

And they fixed nothing. Nothing that concerns Continuous recording - Playback - Event playback. They did not fix the PRE-Record problem. There is no 0s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s or Max Pre-Record time. There is only a 5s after the event starts. This will always exist because they know about for many years and do not fix.
They just added some meaningless features. No fixes for known defects or performance improvements. A web settings interface that doesn't work, a self adaptive resolution change, an auto schedule reboot. Silly things. Just read the Release notes pdf
They also added in EU PORTAL a folder for Acusense K NVR : https://www.hikvisioneurope.com/eu/.../02 NVR/00 Product Firmware/02 AcuSense NVR

And no. I would never buy again. I am slowly changing to Dahua. Less silly unsolved issues
Hi Martel

I did not reply your question, waiting for new firmware.
New firmware is today March 11 : V4.74.000 build 230217

And they fixed nothing. Nothing that concerns Continuous recording - Playback - Event playback. They did not fix the PRE-Record problem. There is no 0s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s or Max Pre-Record time. There is only a 5s after the event starts. This will always exist because they know about for many years and do not fix.
They just added some meaningless features. No fixes for known defects or performance improvements. A web settings interface that doesn't work, a self adaptive resolution change, an auto schedule reboot. Silly things. Just read the Release notes pdf
They also added in EU PORTAL a folder for Acusense K NVR : https://www.hikvisioneurope.com/eu/portal/?dir=portal/Technical Materials/02 NVR/00 Product Firmware/02 AcuSense NVR

And no. I would never buy again. I am slowly changing to Dahua. Less silly unsolved issues

Thanks for your feedback,
After a month of using that DS-7608NXI-K2/8P i still cant get to work the hikconnect app (offline on the NVR)

Are you planning to keep your hikvision camera? You will mix dahua NVR + hikvision camera?

Have 5 Hikvision devices, one ColorVU2047 G5, 2 KV6113 v1 doorbells, one indoor station KH8301 and of course 7608NXI. I was planning to buy two more of ColorVUs or Darkfighters but now I have changed my mind. Equipment is expensive and there is no excuse for companies to sell devices with so many issues. When someone pays to buy something expensive he expects to be what promised to be. No fixes, no new firmwares that fix. Just firmwares that add things and features.
Now I schedule changing all of them but don't know when. KV6113 were useless from the beginning and now are twice useless and NOT supported.
I don't know if Dahua supports completely Hik devices. If not, I am going completely to Dahua. Maybe with less devices cause they are more expensive
Firmware now at V4.74.017_230418 but Pre-record issue for Playback-Event-"IPCameraxx" NOT fixed. A pre-record time does not exist. Space Rule by drawing areas in same tab works OK with a 5 seconds pre-record time..........
Ivms-4200 and Hik-connect app are OK
Firmware now at V4.75.000_230620 but Pre-record issue for Playback-Event-"IPCameraxx" NOT fixed. Pre-record at Advanced Parameter at Configuration - Schedule - Camera No. xx DOES NOT change pre record time. There is no MAX, there is no 0s and there is no other setting. Setting remains "fixed"by itself at -3 to -5 seconds. This means user loses target if Continuous recording is enabled. Also, Space Rule for NON accusense cameras DOES NOT work and search finds no events
Firmware now at V4.75.005_230630 but Pre-record issue for Playback-Event-"IPCameraxx" NOT fixed. Pre-record at Advanced Parameter at Configuration - Schedule - Camera No. xx DOES NOT change pre record time. There is no MAX, there is no 0s and there is no other setting. Setting remains "fixed"by itself at -3 to -5 seconds. This means user loses target if Continuous recording is enabled. Also, Space Rule for NON accusense cameras DOES NOT work and search finds no events when using space rules. Space rules not working for my new EZVIZ CS-H3-R100 3K camera. So please DO NOT advertise your Accusense NVR able to transform non accusense cameras to accusense cameras by selecting VCA by NVR. You are simply liars.

And please fix this Pre-record problem.
So please DO NOT advertise your Accusense NVR able to transform non accusense cameras to accusense cameras by selecting VCA by NVR. You are simply liars.
Who on earth is this rant aimed at? Hikvision aren’t viewing this forum. In the words of Taylor Swift……’you need to calm down…’
I am sorry for insisting
Its just that there is no other way to complain to Hikvision
They do not reply to questions and requests from individuals. They only reply to Companies
And they fixed the Max and Min target size as I complained on my 4th post here and also they fixed the convex quadrilateral Intrusion Area that I complained on my 3rd post here.
They are fixing things but run as fast as a turtle
But, as it seems, they cannot fix Pre-Record issue :-) :-) :-)
If you wish I can stop complaining, but people who are misled must know what they buy
No problem.
It's fine that you raise and share the issues here.
Hopefully they will all be resolved eventually :)