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Normal service will be resumed next week - hopefully!


Staff member
Just a quickie to apologise that the use-IP team has not been able to respond as much as we usually do throughout this week :(

My Inbox is full of Support queries. :oops:

@Dan has been on holiday all week. :D
And, we've had several days lost to sickness amongst the remaining team members. :p
Leaving us with only enough crew to deal with our usual day-to-day business. :eek:

On top of this (as if we didn't have enough to deal with) Hikvision chose this week to replace our direct line of Tech Support contact with a newbie. :mad:
And, unfortunately, for now that route seems a lot less helpful. :confused:

There have been a heck of a lot of Hikvision door-entry, firmware, analytics, and Apps queries in the forum this week. :rolleyes: @Dan has by far THE most hands-on experience with these aspects, and would I'm sure have been able to give useful quick responses to many. Without him, myself and @Kyle just have not had the room in this working week to research & respond - sorry.

So, hopefully, next week will be better.
We will try to catch-up and respond.
If we don't respond to a thread by say Tuesday, please feel free to add a 'Bump'. ;)

Finally for now, I would like to express my gratitude to all those experienced forum members :cool: who take the time & trouble to contribute their expertise & experience to help the newbies (and the frustrated few) - it is much appreciated!! :)

Used ALL the emojis!! - a first for this forum, I believe (this being my 3,770th Post here!).
Have a good weekend all, we will be back next week!