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My hikvision DVR is dropping recording and date keeps on changing to 1st 2012 itself

Ravi narang

New Member
Hi , I m having issues with my hikvision DVR in recording which combines my 4 cameras.
I have done setting of recording so many times as it must be but it keeps on dropping the recording and dates get back to 1st Jan 2012 itself.
Plz plz help if somebody is getting my issues.
Earlier I have online vision issues also but after calling a guy of IP cameras software service ,he resolved the online issue and worked on this issue also .but this issue get back again and again of dropping recording or stopped recording .I found some of the clips in back dates cz of it date get back to 2012 itself .but not in continuous mode that I had set up for recording video.
I find nobody to help .
Plz if someone is getting my issues plz rply.
Step 1 would be to upgrade all of your HikVision devices to the latest available firmware.
There were hacking issues last year - often these resulted in 'resets' / devices dropping off the network / being reset to default.