Some DVR's/NVR's support "Rebuild database" it will do something like "Defragmentation" does on windows machines.
It might help it out.
But if you dont have that option or if its greyed out since status is abnormal. These are next steps:
Bad sector test full scan:
-If everything comes out normal, reboot DVR/NVR, if HDD still shows as abnormal, plug to SATA2 port if your DVR/NVR have one.
-If nothing helps, uplug HDD and connect to PC and find guides how to export data which is on HDD. Usually expensive procedure if done by proffessionals.
-If footage isn't something you cant live without. Then do a HDD format.
-If even after all that its abnormal, then it can be 2 things. Either HDD died, or SATA Controller did. In order to know, you should plug in new HDD and see if it works.
-If Sata controller died, time for a new DVR/NVR
ps: Zero space is normal, as HDD oldest footage is overwritten. And once you fill HDD it will always stay filled up.
Good luck.