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How to add analogue channels from a DVR to an NVR (use DVR as an encoder)


Well-Known Member
I had an existing DVR with a number of TVI and IP Cams attached. it was a 7316HUHI-K4. Have been migrating away from TVI cameras to IP for a while, but got to a point where the DVR was struggling when I added any more IP cameras.

So my situation was, I had a number of TVI cameras to replace, but the recorder wouldn't let me add any more IP so I was stuck.

My solution, was to buy a new NVR (DS-7732NI-M4) and add all the IP cameras to it as normal, and then use the DVR as an encoder, and get each main and sub stream from each of the TVI cameras from the DVR added to the NVR, everything in one place, and then I can carry on with replacing TVI cameras at my leisure.

Got this working at the weekend, and it's simple to do, so thought I'd add a quick few screenshots here for anyone else looking to migrate from DVR and TVI to NVR or has been told to look at an encoder.

It's better to do this in the GUI direct on the NVR instead of in the Web UI of the NVR. Excuse the images, cant screenshot the NVR so went old school and took photos!

  • Go into the camera menu item at the top of the screen, and then select the next available slot/channel or the slot/channel you want to add the camera into on your NVR
  • In the camera IP address field, enter the IP address of your current DVR
  • Protocol stays as HIKVISION
  • Management port I changed from the default, so set this as 8000 or press the use default port button, or change to whatever you have your management port set to on your DVR
  • Transfer protocol leave as AUTO
  • Username/password as set on the DVR
  • Don't bother with Enable IP camera time sync, or verifying certificate - you can use the default channel password if you like/need to


  • Press add, and a new box will popup showing all the available channels on the DVR


  • Just select one of the channels you want to add (if you have many cameras, you have to do this process multiple times to add each camera to a separate channel on the NVR) in my example. the NVR had 16 analogue channels, and 32 IP channels - im not interested in the IP channels, as I'm adding the IP cameras direct to the NVR, so I'm just interested in channels 1-16 which are the TVI/Analogue channels. Just need to work out which channel you want to add and ensure only that one is ticked

  • Press add, and the channel will be added to the NVR in the channel/slot you chose

There cool thing now is, you have control over the camera config settings on the DVR from the NVR. For example, if you change the resolution of the camera in the video parameters section of the NVR, it makes that change to the DVR for you, similarly, if you need to get into the menu screen of the TVI camera, you can go into the PTZ options for that camera, press the menu button, and the NVR will tell the DVR to display the camera menu - just like you were sitting at the DVR!

In my example, I have removed the DVR from my directly attached monitor, just have it sitting on the network with a power connection. I can access its web interface if I really need to, but otherwise, it's just sitting there, with no hard disks in it, streaming the channels to the NVR.

Hope that may help others, as I've seen posts about migrating from TVI to IP, and Hikvision want you to buy an encoder to do it, which is expensive, and you should already have the kit to do it.

Please bear in mind that the DVR is a 7316HUHI-K4 running 4.20.002 - you may not have the same experience as me with yours, especially if your device is still running a version of 3.something. If I ever get time, I may install 3.something on my DVR, and see if it still works.
Thanks @rorton

I'm sure this will be useful information for many users transitioning from analog to IP
I had an existing DVR with a number of TVI and IP Cams attached. it was a 7316HUHI-K4. Have been migrating away from TVI cameras to IP for a while, but got to a point where the DVR was struggling when I added any more IP cameras.

So my situation was, I had a number of TVI cameras to replace, but the recorder wouldn't let me add any more IP so I was stuck.

My solution, was to buy a new NVR (DS-7732NI-M4) and add all the IP cameras to it as normal, and then use the DVR as an encoder, and get each main and sub stream from each of the TVI cameras from the DVR added to the NVR, everything in one place, and then I can carry on with replacing TVI cameras at my leisure.

Got this working at the weekend, and it's simple to do, so thought I'd add a quick few screenshots here for anyone else looking to migrate from DVR and TVI to NVR or has been told to look at an encoder.

It's better to do this in the GUI direct on the NVR instead of in the Web UI of the NVR. Excuse the images, cant screenshot the NVR so went old school and took photos!

  • Go into the camera menu item at the top of the screen, and then select the next available slot/channel or the slot/channel you want to add the camera into on your NVR
  • In the camera IP address field, enter the IP address of your current DVR
  • Protocol stays as HIKVISION
  • Management port I changed from the default, so set this as 8000 or press the use default port button, or change to whatever you have your management port set to on your DVR
  • Transfer protocol leave as AUTO
  • Username/password as set on the DVR
  • Don't bother with Enable IP camera time sync, or verifying certificate - you can use the default channel password if you like/need to

    View attachment 9264

  • Press add, and a new box will popup showing all the available channels on the DVR

    View attachment 9265

  • Just select one of the channels you want to add (if you have many cameras, you have to do this process multiple times to add each camera to a separate channel on the NVR) in my example. the NVR had 16 analogue channels, and 32 IP channels - im not interested in the IP channels, as I'm adding the IP cameras direct to the NVR, so I'm just interested in channels 1-16 which are the TVI/Analogue channels. Just need to work out which channel you want to add and ensure only that one is ticked

  • Press add, and the channel will be added to the NVR in the channel/slot you chose

There cool thing now is, you have control over the camera config settings on the DVR from the NVR. For example, if you change the resolution of the camera in the video parameters section of the NVR, it makes that change to the DVR for you, similarly, if you need to get into the menu screen of the TVI camera, you can go into the PTZ options for that camera, press the menu button, and the NVR will tell the DVR to display the camera menu - just like you were sitting at the DVR!

In my example, I have removed the DVR from my directly attached monitor, just have it sitting on the network with a power connection. I can access its web interface if I really need to, but otherwise, it's just sitting there, with no hard disks in it, streaming the channels to the NVR.

Hope that may help others, as I've seen posts about migrating from TVI to IP, and Hikvision want you to buy an encoder to do it, which is expensive, and you should already have the kit to do it.

Please bear in mind that the DVR is a 7316HUHI-K4 running 4.20.002 - you may not have the same experience as me with yours, especially if your device is still running a version of 3.something. If I ever get time, I may install 3.something on my DVR, and see if it still works.
Does it matter if the DVR & NVR are not the same brand. I'm looking at doing something like this as I don't want to re-route all the cabling for my BNC cameras. I understand most of it but how does the NVR Connect to the DVR. Does the DVR have to remain connected to the Router?
This is brilliant if it works.
Does it matter if the DVR & NVR are not the same brand. I'm looking at doing something like this as I don't want to re-route all the cabling for my BNC cameras. I understand most of it but how does the NVR Connect to the DVR. Does the DVR have to remain connected to the Router?
This is brilliant if it works.
I’m not sure it will work. In my example, the HIKVISION protocol was being used between the DVR and NVR. Both devices need to be connected to the router or a switch so they are in the same network as the communication happens over the network
Hi @rorton,

I know this is an older thread, but it inspired me to give it a try myself.

I've recently purchased a Hikvision DS-9664NI-M8 NVR to integrate with my existing system, which includes 30 analog cameras connected to a Hikvision DS-7232HQHI-K2 DVR. I successfully imported all channels from the DVR to the new NVR and can view live footage from all the analog cameras without any issues. However, I'm encountering a problem with recording. Motion detection only works on channel 1 imported from the DVR, and neither motion nor event detection works on any other analog channel.

I suspect this issue might be related to the fact that I couldn't add the channels one by one as you instructed. When I try I receive a message saying, "Operation failed, IP camera already exists. Please check IP camera's address, management port, or channel port." The DVR is on V4.20.001 but the new NVR is using V5.03.010, so everything looks different from your screenshots. Do you have any ideas on how to get all the channels to detect motion/events?

Thank you