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How can I stop spiders and moths blocking the lens

Andrew Beck

New Member
I have a Vivotek IP8332 Network Bullet Camera and at night the infra red leds seem to attract moths to fly up close to the lens and then spiders to lay webs across the lens. Both of these frequently trigger motion detection at night.
So how can I stop this without purchasing separate IR leds that nearly cost the same as the camera from this site e.g. http://www.use-ip.co.uk/raytec-raymax-rm25-30-ip-infra-red-ip-lamp-unit.html

Surely there must be cheaper lighting options or some other method.
I think a separate IR Lamp is the solution. (Keep it up to a meter above the camera)

Remember you have to make sure the wavelength of the IR lamp matches your camera IRs.
Yes an cheap IR flood light has solved the problem and given much better night time pictures