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HikVision email notification setup


Staff member
This is probably one of THE most queried setup issues, so here are some resources which may help you:

The section in our own megathread on HikVision's setup for motion detection and email notification. (click the 'Spoiler' button to reveal the full setup details)

A couple of video tutorials by HikVision Tech Support on setting up email notification:

How to setup email notification with a HikVision IP camera - using browser access:

How to setup email notification using IVMS-4200:

Here is the latest version of the HikVision camera user manual that I've been able to find today. Email configuration is dealt with on page 62 of the manual. Please pay attention to the basic settings needed in the network area for your email settings to work (especially gateway address and DNS settings - I've seen these missing and preventing email from sending many times).
NB That manual is from our HikVision product pages, for camera firmware version V5.4.5. Although some cameras are now up to V5.5.2, I was unable to find a newer edition of the manual. If/when our team update the manual used on our webshop product pages then this link will update accordingly to that latest version.

A general search at YouTube turns-up lots of HowTo videos of other folk setting this up:
hikvision email - YouTube

If one of those videos should turn out to be the answer to solving your issue, please feel free to highlight its usefulness by responding to this thread and linking to it.

