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Frozen Picture in Remote Playback\Missing Footage?



I bought a DS-7608NI-I2/8P (fitted a WD Purple 2TB HDD) and 2 cameras (DS-2CD2342WD-I & DS-2CD2385FWD-I) a couple of years back.

I only ever got around to installing the 2342 - the 2385 sat on the shelf. I followed the installation\configuration Mega Thread and had the NVR record continuously 24x7 at 12FPS. No issues in the slightest. No alerts etc setup. The camera was setup using Easy setup as opposed to manual. All been working fine - even with scrolling\browsing footage.

Whilst browsing the forums yesterday, I realised the firmware might be out of date so checked. Both the NVR & 2342 were at

NVR - V3.4.93 build 170408
2342 - V5.4.5 build 170124

So I enabled Virtual Hosts and updated the 2342 camera to V5.5.82 build 190909 and the NVR to V4.40.17 build 201124. the firmware upgrades went well - no errors or issues.

Then this afternoon using iVMS on W10 - scrolling thru the footage I noticed odd gaps in the recordings (not in the blue bar tho). Usually sliding the blue bar along I would get it to move forward in time. But there were a couple of instances where despite moving the time slider along - the picture stayed at the time I had just been at.

Leaving it alone - in one instance it was about 10 mins before the picture moved (i.e. the embedded time code in the picture matched\caught up to the selected time in\on the blue bar. For the 10 mins or so - neither time code (in the picture or the blue bar) moved\changed.

In one case (the gap period) - selecting a "file" in the Filter window, it wouldn't play. No errors or anything on screen.

[For now - I have reverted the firmware back to V3.4.93 build 170408 just to see if this "quirk" goes away.]

But since then, I connected directly to the camera via connecting to the NVR using IE - and System - Camera Management - Connect and selecting the camera, and then when looking at Storage Settings in the camera - it was set to Continuous but all the bars\periods for all 7 days were coloured purple, i.e. set to Event.

I deleted them all and recreated all 7x24 periods in blue and hit save. I'll be checking tomorrow afternoon to see how it's behaved over 24hrs and to see if the missing footage\gaps behaviour still happens.

I was hoping someone could tell me what happens if the Schedule settings in the NVR are set to continuous (and blue) and the ones in a camera are set to continuous but purple (event)? Would this cause there to be gaps in recorded footage?

Or if anyone has had gaps in footage when the NVR (as far as they know) is set to record continuous 24x7?

Or is there a bug\feature in the latest NVR firmware?

There was no power failure during the hours I've got missing footage.

Many Thanks


p.s. Just checked the NVR logs and there is nothing between 08:00 & 12:39 - the gaps/missing footage occurs between those times. I am locally connected to the NVR via a wired connection.
The camera is POE powered from the NVR.
I normally use iVMS-4200 to browse footage etc. But use IE to check config and up\down grade firmware, as I did this time.
The NVR is not connected Hik-Connect portal.
Just a single camera.
Cable length - somewhere around 20M.

I have since found the following post,

and that OP also couldn't browse footage and appeared to have the same mismatch with Record Schedule between the NVR and a camera, that I had. Although his NVR was a DS-7604NI-K1 / 4P and I'm (or was) getting issues on a DS-7608NI-I2/8P.

I suppose it isn't a long wait till tomorrow afternoon to see if "synching" the Record Settings between the camera & NVR has resolved the issues. Then update the firmware on the NVR back to the latest.

I find myself wondering if updating the firmware on the camera 1st caused it's Record Schedule to go to some kind of default (which didn't match the NVR).
Looking at the recorded footage in the last 24hrs -

- it seems night time footage is as expected. I can scroll thru it with no missing gaps.
- the issue with gaps, missing footage, frozen footage and discrepancies in the time code between the blue bar & the embedded time code in the picture are all in the daytime.

Almost the entire daytime footage is effected. I did a search in iVMS on the laptop for today and got a list of "clips" in the filter sidebar:


selecting the one in red to play, the blue bar shows


whilst the embedded time time code in the picture shows


screen shots of the time codes were taken at the same time.

I've done a Short Test in Storage Management (wondering if the WD Purple HDD was having issues) and the Self-Test came back successful.

Just waiting for it to complete the Bad Sector Detection (20% in so far and all Green\Normal).

I've been searching on the forums and it appears others have had issues with daytime playback - but I don't seem to have seen a fix.

Just noticed in iVMS on Live\Main View - the picture (from the single camera plugged in) the picture freezes very often from 5-10s to what seems like 10+ mins and then comes back with an up to date time code in the picture.
I saved off the camera config - took a few goes to realise that IE will only save files in My Documents.

Then I reset the camera - using Restore (Rest all the parameters, except the IP parameters and user information, to the default settings) from System - Maintenance - Upgrade & Maintenance.

I checked the Video\Audio in Configuration in both the NVR & Camera - both the same. Altered only the following settings

- Video Quality = Highest
- Frame Rate = 15
- H.264+ = ON

in the NVR, hit save and checked them in the Camera config and they matched. All other settings in the camera are at default.

After the camera rebooted, Live View seems OK and scrolling thru the recorded footage after the reset, this too seems fine.

Looking at the NVR & Camera Record Schedules - it's back to being Continuous (Continuous - Blue) in the NVR and Continuous (Event - Purple) in the Camera.





I've just left the rest of the camera settings alone for now. Just a case of waiting another 24hrs to see how daylight recording & live behave.

The camera is still at the latest FW - V5.5.82 build 190909 and the NVR is back at the original FW (for now) - V3.4.93 build 170408. I want to resolve the issue of daylight colour recording, playback and live view before updating firmware on the NVR.

Ideally I would have rolled back the FW on the camera to V5.4.5 build 170124 and then try to get everything behaving, and then roll FW forward but thought to take a punt with camera being latest FW & the NVR being original.
Looking thru the footage for the day - it seems that upgrading the FW on the 2342 camera and doing a "reset" (apart from login info etc) seems to have cured the issue\s I was experiencing.

I also did a Simple Test on the HDD which was successful as was an Extended Test. A Bad Sector test showed zero bad sectors.

I only started experiencing the issues after having upgraded the FW on the camera - prior to that, zero issues.

If anyone experiences daytime recording & playback issues with an IP camera after having upgraded the FW on it (and it went fine & rebooted) - I'd suggest logging directly into the camera and under System - Maintenance select Restore under Default (making a note of your settings). This does a "Reset all the parameters, except the IP parameters and user information, to the default settings."

Then adjust the settings back to what you had before. Can't harm to do a reboot and then see how you get on.