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Exporting Video from Web interface?


Active Member
I have 2 Hikvision NVRs.

Both NVRs using the GUI can export Video with Audio in the following formats:

Default - Videos need to be played in VSplayer, overwise there is not sound.

MP4 - Video can be played universally on all media player and also sound works

AVI - Video can be played universally on all media player and also sound works

However, when exporting videos using the web interface, I need to use the VSPlayer to convert the file because there is no option to export videos using the native MP4 format

Am I missing something, have I overlooked an option on the Web interface that can do native MP4 exports?
Hi @imtiyazp

As far as we are aware, when downloading footage from the web interface you will need to use the VSPlayer and there is no option to change the file format of the downloaded footage.

We think this is probably to do with the fact that the web footage is compressed/encrypted to reduce the data when accessing remotely and this means you can't access the the MP4/AVI file from the web access.