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Changed my wireless password, can't connect cameras anymore?


New Member

I changed my modem's wireless password, and now the IP Cameras seems offline. The NVR connects to my modem with LAN cable. How can I fix this?


PS: It's Hikvision (Haikon) and I can reach the NVR interface both with the browser and IVMS-4200 application.
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If your HikVision NVR is wired to your network, then I don't know what would be affected by changing your wireless password?

Are your cameras wireless?
Then they will no longer be accessible, you will need to re-connect to each camera with a network cable and teach it the new wireless password before it can use your wi-fi again.
Oh, thank you for the answer, I guess I will use my old password again.

And while I try to find a solution, I accidentally enabled DHCP in network settings, and now I can’t reach the NVR interface and take it back. Do I need to reset the device to factory defaults? I’m messing up everything :(
You can use HikVision's SADP utility to scan your network and reveal the current IP addresses of all your HikVision devices:

You can also acess them and change settings from SADP e.g. disable DCHP if you wish.
Hello , you can reset the modem then you can find the default password on datasheet and you reconfugurate it