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CCTV Camera location recommendations?


New Member

I'm thinking of getting some cameras installed on my property, but aren't too sure how many camera I need or the location of where to put them all. I've got a photo below of the property and the locations I was thinking about. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Camera Plan Shot v2.png

I already have a Google Nest Doorbell at Point Z and am now thinking of having another one (or two) cameras installed. I've put the some dots of locations which I thought may be appropriate but am open to others.

Am open to all suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
Hi @KuchKuch

Our recommendation would be position A because it is the position with the clearest line of sight and soffit mounting give you more options for adjusting the position/angle of the camera.

B & C will have some of their FoV blocked by the bay windows and position D will be a tricky install on that tiled surface.

A 2.8mm or 4mm camera will give you plenty of coverage alongside the doorbell camera and so you wouldn't absolutely need a 2nd camera, but if you do want a better quality continuous recording of what happens around the front door then you could consider a 2.8mm Mini Dome fitted just above the doorbell camera (maybe in the space between the garage door and the front door).

You definitely wouldn't need more than 2 cameras to cover this small area.
Hi Dan,

Thank you for the suggestions.

Based on your suggestion I think I may put a camera between the the top of the garage and the top of the front door that looks out of the whole driveway. I've had people come into my driveway and try and nick my VW Golf, so I want my whole driveway to be recorded and from what you are saying I this would be the best position.

Can I ask why people tend tend to get a mini dome above the front door when they have a video doorbell? Don't understand having this focused on the front door when you have a doorbell to see who it is.
Hi. I'm not a professional, but it seems to me that the garage will be best seen from position A.
And the second camera would be better placed at position B, so that you can keep an eye on the yard.