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CamHi IP Camera over RTSP?


Hi, I have a CamHi IP camera. All works well and can connect via the CamHi App or via a Browser and the device's IP address. However I am trying to understand how to view the video feed via say VLC or Youtube. I am trying along the lines of "rtsp://admin:<password>@" but I am struggling to get it to work, not least I suspect that I need the camera ID of some sort. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Made an account just so if anybody is googling for the answer still;

• web server on port 80, rtsp on port 554
• I believe user and password must be added to url
• one stream is /11 < [high res] and I think /12 [low res] is the other

{RTSP} :// {user} : {pass} @ {CameraIP} : {port} / {stream}

##[ rtsp://admin:1234@ ]##

My 2 CamHi PTZ cameras have been down for an awhile, so not 100% sure on url, but pretty sure that’s it.