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Camera for live-streaming music gigs


New Member
Hi All - I am looking for a camera that:
  1. Works well in low light
  2. Has quality audio-in
  3. Ideally some way of streaming RTMP out of the cam, ie without a PC/encoder being involved.
  4. Minium 720, but ideally 1080p
  5. Is able to run 24/7
  6. Can be remotely controlled via web or app (far end camera control)
I am currently using a MEVO cam, and while image is OK - it's just not meant to run 24/7, so crashes from time to time...and it has no 'far end' control, so have to go to the live-music venue to physically reboot it. I am streaming it from RTMP->HLS via the OnApp CDN.

Any good ideas?
I've been looking at the PTZoptics zcams, but I am very undecided.

Thanks for your help.

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I am also using MEVO cam bu the problem is that I am using with 4gx modem. During live streaming, it shows scrambling but I do not identify what exactly creates the problem.