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Advice on discrete cameras for a listed building


New Member
Hi all, I am after advice on what my options are for discrete cameras for the front of a listed building. The building is 3 stories high. I was wondering if i could mount cameras under the existing (black in colour) guttering rather than attaching to the fabric of the building. Is there anything suitable that can provide a decent picture from this high up and not too large so it stands out? White cameras are a no-no but i suppose i could paint them if needed? I have no existing system or budget limit in mind. Ideally I would be after a 3 or 4 HD IP camera system - but only the front of the house (just one or two cameras) has the issues with visual impact although it would be nice to have a system which matches throughout. I would be after a full system including recording device. I would imagine the front cameras would need to be dome cameras? Thoughts?
Thanks for the quick reply Phil. They look good. Are you likely to get any more stock in on the turret cameras?