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24V dc Powering option for DS-2DF8C842IXS-AEL (T2) 8-inch 4K 42X DarkFighter IR Network Speed Dome


New Member
Hi to the community and massive thanks to USE-IP for hosting these forums!!
Am new here, so please forgive if I'm asking a question previously asked (I have searched).

The DS-2DF8C842IXS-AEL (T2) 8-inch 4K 42X DarkFighter IR Network Speed Dome has 2 different powering options 24Vac and PoE 802.3bt (although we are successfully using it without heaters on 802.3at from our EdgeSwitches ES-08-150).
In one of our applications we've tried powering over 802.3at from a Netgear GS110TP powered from a 48Vdc supply, but it sometimes goes into a bootloop, presumably the combination of the 48V supply limit and the 802.3at current limit are causing a brownout in the camera under some conditions. Anyway, we realise this is not the "official" way to power the camera and are seeking alternative options.
We could use a 802.3bt injector dedicated to this camera and under normal circumstances this would be acceptable, however, we're running on a DC power system using a large 24V battery (charged by solar) Every WattHour is precious and our power budget can't really afford to throw away several Watts on a seemingly unnecessary convertor.

The obvious thing to do is to power the camera using our 24V dc supply via the 24V terminals, however they are labelled as 24Vac (as are all of the references in the specs and user docs). Clearly the camera converts this input into DC supplies internally and these will take a dc input themselves, so knowing what little I do about PSU design, I imagine there is a bridge rectifier on the other end of the input leads which rectifies any input Voltage to dc.
To further add grist t'mill, the "24V ac" input wires are colour (coded) RED and BLACK, suggesting a preferred polarity for connection of a dc feed.

Question: Is it safe to power this camera using a 24V dc feed?

Looking forward to receiving your wisdom.
It is expecting 24V AC, so I think you will need an inverter to produce this from your 24V DC solar/battery system.
Or, an 802.3bt POE injector that will accept a 24V DC supply input.
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